Introducing History Lab
A crowd-sourced history club

The History Lab: a crowd-sourced history club
In 2021, teacher Richard Lewis founded History Lab as an idea for a history club that goes beyond the curriculum and enables students to think, form opinions and voice them as well as learning from one another's perspectives. The club can be led by a teacher, librarian or other knowledgeable support staff who acts as a facilitator to start the ball rolling. Following successful trials in schools, Richard has kindly donated an initial raft of club session materials to the HA and, along with us, hopes that this will become a crowd-sourced programme to support history clubs in secondary schools.
Along with the materials to support an initial 10 sessions, you can find out more about the philosophy and format behind the materials and how they can be used to support a history club in your school in the guide below. Richard, the original author, will also offer periodic Zoom sessions to support those wishing to use the materials with students and to support the development of new ones.
We very much hope that this initial group of materials will grow with new submissions to widen the topics and perspectives covered initially.
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