New, Novice or Nervous? 172: Curriculum planning
Teaching History feature: the quick guide to the ‘no-quick-fix’

This page is for those new to the published writings of history teachers. Each problem you wrestle with, other teachers have wrestled with too. Quick fixes don’t exist. But in others’ writing, you’ll find something better: conversations in which history teachers have debated or tackled your problems – conversations which any history teacher can join. If you have a problem that you would like to see addressed in this section please email:
Curriculum planning
Recent revisions to the National Curriculum (NC) and GCSE specifications have spurred many history departments to reflect on their long-term curriculum planning, with a number of different models put forward by departments in recent editions of Teaching History. These models draw upon a rich tradition of practical theorising by history teachers and history education researchers, who have debated the principles underpinning curricular decision-making and how these can be enacted in curriculum planning.
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