Primary History 86
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

In this edition of Primary History
04 Editorial (Read article for free)
05 HA Primary News
06 HA Update
10 History in the news: George Floyd protest in Bristol: Colston statue toppled – Paul Bracey (Read article)
14 Developing chronological understanding and language in the Early Years and Foundation Stage – Damienne Clarke (Read article)
18 All the fun of the fair! Key Stage 1: Beyond living memory – Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
20 Re-evaluating the role of statues – Stuart Boydell (Read article)
24 Blending history and creative writing: imagining a lost Anglo-Saxon poem – Fran Allfrey and Beth Whalley (Read article)
32 Language and communication in the ancient world – Matthew Laban (Read article)
38 How a history club can work for you and your pupils – Dimi Gospodinova (Read article)
41 Anniversaries: The Coventry Blitz, 14 November 1940 – Paula Kitching;
The Grave of the Unknown Warrior at Westminster Abbey: a hundred years of healing 1920–2020 – Elisabeth Parker (Read articles)
46 Back to basics: what does a good history lesson look like? – Susie Townsend (Read article)
48 How can we teach about medieval Britain in primary schools? – Tim Lomas (Read article)
56 One of my favourite history places: Studland Village, Dorset – Matthew Sossick (Read article)
58 Storytelling the past: the role of story and storytelling in primary history – Alastair Daniel (Read article)
63 The back cover image: Malachite Urn – Sophie Jones (Read article)
Centre spread double-sided pull-out poster:
Re-imagining statues: how should we do this?
Historical fiction prizes: Summer 2020
Regular features: Primary History runs a number of great regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
Cover image: ‘The Unknown Warrior’ – the crowded nave of Westminster Abbey 11 November 1920, drawing by Fortunino Matania ©The Dean and Chapter of Westminster.
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