Film: What's the wisdom on... Evidence and sources (Primary)

Webinar: Evidence and sources
Please note: the 'What's the Wisdom On' film series has been produced principally for secondary school history teachers, however some of the content is transferrable to a primary setting. Secondary members can view the film here
We know how difficult life is for teachers in the current circumstances. We also understand your need to stay in touch as a history department and continue those developmental discussions you would normally be having, so we thought we’d lend a helping hand.
'What’s the wisdom on…' is a popular feature in our secondary journal Teaching History, and provides history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of many years of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching.
To complement this and to fit into a current need, we have produced a series of webinars designed to support virtual department meetings. In each webinar (lasting approx. 45 mins), our experts Dr Katharine Burn, Helen Snelson and Christine Counsell use their professional expertise and experience of writing for and editing Teaching History journal to provide a structured discussion about a different concept or issue covering teaching the story before you attempt the analysis, thinking about the different types of sources, evidence, argument and approaches; what often goes right and wrong, getting your enquiry question right, and using historical scholarship to inform your approach.
These discussions will provide an excellent starting point for your own departmental discussions whether for curriculum or teacher development. Let us know how your departmental discussions develop after listening to the series via Twitter by tagging @histassoc into your tweets.
This resource is FREE for Primary HA Members.
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