Pupil voice: Democratising history lessons in Key Stage 1
Primary History article
By Stuart Boydell, published 21st February 2020

How pupil voice shapes history teaching and learning in our school
Why is pupil voice important? Children are at the centre of everything we do and safeguarding their well-being and ensuring their progress across the curriculum is a key emphasis for schools. Recognising the importance of pupil voice in this is key.
Robin Alexander’s Towards Dialogic Teaching: Rethinking Classroom Talk (2017) explores the use of talk in the classroom as a teaching and assessment strategy to develop children’s social, emotional and academic life skills.
Research conducted by Shirley Clarke (2009) also highlights the importance of involving children in their learning and identifies the following benefits:
- Children recognise that they are important participants in their learning.
- Children have a sense of ownership of their learning.
- Children are more able to connect with their learning...
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