What’s the wisdom on… Interpretations of the past
Teaching History feature

How often do your pupils actually look at the products of historians – their scholarly writing, their debates, their to-and-fro of argument?
What's the Wisdom On... is a short guide providing new history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching. It synthesises key messages from Teaching History articles, blogs and other publications. The guide includes practical suggestions suitable for any key stage and signposts basic reading essentials for new professionals. See all guides in this series
And how often do they look at the products of others who interpret the past – a local mural in a railway station much prized by the local history society, a special museum exhibition or perhaps a feature film made about the past?
And how often do you teach them about how and why these products were constructed? This ‘how and why’ really matters, and for two reasons...
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