One of my favourite history places: Glastonbury
Primary History feature

Glastonbury, whether as a fleeting glimpse across the Somerset Levels from the M5, or up close and personal, walking within the town, holds a power that goes some way towards explaining why it has been of interest to so many people across its history. There are certain places that seem to emanate ‘something’; a feeling that they are of significance and the underlying instinct that there was a primal reason why early settlers chose to mark it. Anyone who has looked across the countryside, veiled in otherworldly mist, and seen Glastonbury Tor rising high above the flatness below, surely must have felt some echo of what encouraged so many to make Glastonbury a significant place. It has been my favourite historical place for a very long time now, and the highlight of my short time living in Somerset was being so close to Glastonbury. It has always fascinated me and its history is intertwined with the landscape, which adds to the impact that a visit to Glastonbury brings...
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