History 356
The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 103, Issue 356
Published: 10th July 2018

Narrating Europe: Conceptions of European History and Identity in Historiography and Intellectual Thought
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- Narrating Europe: (Re)Thinking Europe and its Many Pasts (pp 385-400), Matthew D'Auria, Jan Vermeiren
- Meanings of Europe and Meaning in History (pp 401-417), Rolf Petri
- Civilization, Modernity and Europe: The Making and Unmaking of a Conceptual Unity (pp 418-433), Gavin Murray‐Miller
- A Revolutionary Narrative of European History: Bonneville's History of Modern Europe (1789–1792) (pp 434-450), Matthijs Lok (Open Access)
- The Shaping of European Modernities: Neapolitan Hegelianism and the Renaissance (1848–1862) (pp 451-468), Fernanda Gallo
- A Part of European History? Narrating the Age of the World Wars after 1945 (pp 469-484), Florian Greiner
- The Invention of European Human Rights (pp 485-504), Patrick Pasture
- A ‘Handmade’ Historiographical Myth: The ‘East’ and Eastern Europe in the Historiography of European Integration, 1968 to the Present (pp 505-519), Peter Pichler