Making the most of the post-1066 unit
Primary History article

Looking at continuity and change over 10,000 years
Making the most of the post-1066 unit: looking at continuity and change over 10,000 years
The ‘aspect or theme of British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066’ unit is designed to extend the period of study beyond 1066 to help pupils develop a coherent picture of British history. You might use it as a way to continue to study the Tudors, or Victorians or even World War Two, utilising your existing schemes of work and resources. But I think this is missing a trick. This study unit gives you a perfect opportunity to study a theme or a topic from the Stone Age to today, helping pupils build up a ‘Big Picture’ of change throughout the whole Key Stage 2 history course. And in that case it is best, in my opinion, undertaken at the end of the course – in Year 6. For this article I would like to use the example of houses through the ages, as a way to develop understanding of continuity and change, as well as chronological understanding. You might also, as it is aimed at Year 6, help them to continue to develop their enquiry skills, and how to communicate ideas in history. By the end of Year 6 most pupils should be able to research, work and present their ideas in a more independent manner...
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