Primary History 72
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

Beyond Compare
04 Editorial
05 HA Primary News
06 Using artefacts to develop young children's understanding of the past - Helen Crawford (Read article)
08 History supporting global learning - Joyce Hallam (Read article)
14 Beyond compare: a study of Beatrix Potter and Benjamin Zephaniah - Sue Temple (Read article)
20 A development study for Key Stage 2: poverty in Britain - Allison Robinson (Read article)
26 Why bother with transition between History at Key Stages 2 and 3? Andrew Wrenn (Read article)
28 Searching for the Shang in Shropshire - Alun Morgan (Read article)
35 Using myths and legends in the classroom - Alf Wilkinson
36 Celebrating Success: London Fields Primary School achieves Gold Award Quality Mark - Mel Jones (Read article)
38 Ideas for Assemblies: The Olympics - Bev Forrest and Stuart Tiffany (Read article)
40 What can you do with a Victorian Trade Directory? Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
43 Resourcing primary history: how to avoid going for any old thing - Tim Lomas (Read article)
47 Private David Johnston's First World War Hymn Book - Jules Wooding
Regular features
Primary History magazine runs a number of great regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and our Primary Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
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