Teaching History 191: Material Worlds
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

In this edition of Teaching History
03 Editorial (Read article)
04 HA Secondary News
06 HA Update
06 Illumination or illustration? Using eighteenth-century material culture to develop evidential thinking in Year 8 – Eleanor Dimond (Read article)
18 Fifties Britain through the senses: ‘never had it so good’? Evaluating social change and continuity in post-war Britain through a sensory lens – Maya Stiasny (Read article)
28 What Have Historians Been Arguing About... gender and sexuality – Gabrielle Storey (Read article)
30 Practical demonstration: powerful and rigorous history teaching for all – Ian Luff (Read article)
44 ‘But they just sit there’: using objects as material culture with Year 8 – Gabriella West with Sarah Longair (Read article)
54 Cunning Plan… for diving deep into ‘history from below’ with Year 8 – Nathanael Davies (Read article)
62 Decolonising sources: using ‘weapons of the weak’ to help Year 9 pupils critically evaluate colonial sources – Danielle Donaldson (Read article)
76 ‘Miss, what’s the point of sources?’ Helping Year 11 to understand the discipline – Clare Bartington (Read article)
88 Move Me On: trainee's approach to using sources in history lessons is always as the focus of exam-style questions (Read article)
92 Mummy, Mummy...
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including What have historians been arguing about...?, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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