Teaching History 189: Collaboration
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

In this edition of Teaching History
02 Editorial (Read article)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Adding up marginal gains: using Lesson Study to make microimprovements in teaching Year 8 how to use sources – Tony McConnell, Davinia Daley, Rebecca Levy, Lisa Waddell and Richard Waddington (Read article)
23 Triumphs Show: ‘The Strands of Memory’: how a school initiative in Normandy, France, involves pupils in questions of history and remembrance – Lucien Grillet (Read article)
28 Communities of inquiry: creating the conditions for meaningful collaboration – Will Bailey-Watson and Charlotte Crouch (Read article)
38 Slippery spaces and changing places: investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils in stories about the Cambridgeshire Fens – Joshua Mellor (Read article)
46 Positive partnerships: developing effective collaboration between schools and universities – Sarah Longair, Kerry Milligan and Emma McKenna (Read article)
56 What Have Historians Been Arguing About... Royal Studies – Gabrielle Storey (Read article)
58 Thinking about the ethical dimension: the life and choices of Rosie Glaser – Tim Huijgen, Paul Holthuis, Roel Nijmeijer and Iris Van Den Brand (Read article)
64 Move Me On: trainee does not recognise the need to engender a sense of puzzle or curiosity in his students (Read article)
68 Mummy, Mummy...
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including What have historians been arguing about...?, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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