History 376

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 107, Issue 376

Published: 8th June 2022


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  1. ‘The King's Other Islands of the Sea’: The Channel Islands in the Plantagenet Realm, 1254–1341 (pp 453-483) – Alexander Kelleher (Open Access)

  2. How Global was Medieval Prussia? An Analysis of the Barlaam and Josaphat Manuscript of the Teutonic Knights at the Turn of the Fifteenth Century (pp 484-506) – Gregory Leighton

  3. Keeping Fit in Later Medieval England: Exercise for Man and Beast (pp 507-525) – Carole Rawcliffe (Open Access)

  4. ‘Why should not Citadels become Academies?’ Transatlantic Tercentenaries, Higher Education and Local Pasts in Britain after the First World War (pp 526-548) – Martha Vandrei (Open Access)

  5. ‘A feeling which it is impossible for Englishmen to understand’: Booker T. Washington and Anglo-American Rivalries (pp 549-569) – Clive Webb