Teaching History 188: Representing History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

In this edition of Teaching History
02 Editorial (Read article for free)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update: History in England’s primary schools: What do secondary history teachers need to know? (Read article)
10 ‘We are invisible!’ Ensuring Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children do not feel unseen in the history classroom – Richard Kerridge and Helen Snelson (Read article)
18 ‘Shepherding not learning’: How ‘good’ are Key Stage 3 textbooks in supporting the teaching of the Holocaust? – Alex Diamond (Read article)
28 Telling difficult stories about the creation of Bangladesh – Nathanael Davies, Taslima Rakib and Anam Zakaria (Read article)
40 Triumphs Show: The BeBold Network – Sam Jones (Read article)
44 No reconciliation without truth: historical thinking and art education in Canada’s era of societal reckoning – Michael Pitblado and Agnieszka Chalas (Read article)
52 Integrating the historical Holocaust – Sam Ineson (Read article)
62 What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the English Reformation – Laura Sangha (Read article)
66 ‘Alluringly strange, discomfortingly familiar’: using the present to construct a meaningful picture of the medieval past – Jessica Phillips (Read article)
76 Move Me On: different emphases placed on teacher talk by different history teachers in the department (Read article)
80 Mummy, Mummy...
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including What have historians been arguing about...?, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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