Primary History 91
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

In this edition of Primary History
04 Editorial (Read article for free)
06 HA Update
10 Exploring the past through active enquiry – Karin Doull (Read article)
13 Coherence in primary history: how can we get children to see that their history links up? – Tim Lomas (Read article)
20 The Great Exhibition of 1851: teaching a significant event at Key Stage 1 – Heather de Silva (Read article)
25 Think like an archaeologist! Investigating Indus Valley artefacts in the primary classroom – Ilona Aronovsky (Read article)
30 Bringing an archaeologist into the classroom – Ilona Aronovsky and Akshyeta Suryanarayan (Read article)
34 Wangari Maathai as a significant individual: positive representation within a broad and balanced curriculum – Ailsa Fidler (Read article)
38 Trade – lifeblood of the empire: how trade affected life in Roman Britain – Karin Doull (Read article)
44 Mentoring Student Teachers – Ailsa Fidler and Clare Stow (Read article)
48 Back to basics: using maps in primary history – Tim Lomas (Read article)
55 History in the news
56 What’s in a road? Local history at Early Years and Key Stage 1 – Susie Townsend (Read article)
64 One of my favourite history places: Neuschwanstein Castle – Paul Bracey (Read article)
68 Instead of mummies made with loo roll: how museum collections make ancient Egypt, and the people who lived there, real – Rosanna Evans (Read article)
Centre spread double-sided pull-out poster: What’s in a road?; and One of my favourite history places
Regular features: Primary History runs a number of regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
Cover image: Fresco depicting the boat Isis Geminiana.
Contributions to Primary History
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Publication of a contribution in Primary History does not necessarily imply the HA’s approval of the opinions expressed in it.
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