Scheme of work: Queen Elizabeth II
Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 2 History (unresourced)

Scheme of work: How far do we know the real Queen Elizabeth II?
Prior to completing this unit of work, it would be useful for the children to have started to develop an understanding of the substantive concepts of monarchy and royalty through their prior learning. Direct links can be made between studies of specific monarchs and their roles, as well as stories that children will have heard about monarchs/royalty. The starting point for discussions will very much be rooted in their prior learning about monarchy/royalty and representations of both; of course, these concepts are also rooted in those of government and power.
The scheme explores the question: ‘How far do we know the real Queen Elizabeth II?’ It considers changes in technology during her reign and her engagement with it, as well as the impact that this has upon perceptions of her. It is designed to fit within a broader curriculum that explores children’s personal identity and how our relationships impact upon perceptions of us. It focuses upon the disciplinary concepts of chronology, interpretations and significance.
Unit structure
- Who is Queen Elizabeth II?
- Why did the Queen become the Queen? Who are the royal family?
- How is the Queen represented?
- How have perceptions of Queen Elizabeth II been influenced by changing technology?
- What is the Queen’s role?
- How well does the Queen reflect society today?
- How might history remember Queen Elizabeth II?
Please note: While this unit contains resource suggestions, it is not a fully resourced scheme of work, and the resources it refers to may in some cases only be available to full members of the HA. The HA schemes of work were produced by members of the HA primary committee and its affiliates. These schemes of work are designed to support your planning and should be moulded and adapted to fit the context and needs of your own school. To view a free sample scheme of work, please refer to our Anglo-Saxons unit. We regularly check the hyperlinks included in the schemes but unfortunately every now and again some links may go out of date. If you spot a broken link, please let us know on |
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