History 370
The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 106, Issue 370

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Plenary Indulgence for the Personal Participation in Crusades to the Holy Land as Presented by Crusade Preachers (pp 170-199) – Valentin L. Portnykh
Magic as a Useful Category of Historical Analysis (pp 200-220) – Tabitha Stanmore (Open Access)
The Politics of Petitioning: Parliament, Government, and Subscriptional Cultures in the United Kingdom, 1780–1918 (pp 221-243) – Richard Huzzey, Henry J. Miller (Open Access)
Knowledge Production and Britain's Expansion in China: Constructing the Narrative of the Cruelty of Chinese Punishment in the Nineteenth Century (pp 244-264) – Qiong Yu
Special Issue
Decolonising Oral History: A Conversation (pp 265-281) – Hilary Francis, Inge Boudewijn, Antonia Carcelén-Estrada, Juana Francis Bone, Katy Jenkins, Sofia Zaragocin (Open Access)
The Spanish version of this article can be found here.
Original Articles
Descolonizando la historia oral: una conversación (pp E1-E17) (Open Access)
The English version of this article can be found here.
State of the Field: Material Culture (pp 282-292) – Serena Dyer (Open Access)