The Historian 149: Pandemics
The magazine of the Historical Association

4 Reviews
5 Editorial (Read article for free)
6 Florence Nightingale and epidemics – Richard Bates (Read article)
11 Real Lives: Commonwealth War Graves Commission memorial in Hints churchyard: Edward George Keeling – Trevor James (Read article)
12 The experience of Bilston in the cholera epidemic of 1831–32: a melancholy pre-eminence in the catalogue of suffering – Alannah Tomkins (Read article)
18 Disease and healthcare on the Isle of Man – Caroline Smith (Read article)
22 Eyam: the plague village 1665-66 – Richard Stone (Read article)
26 Ancient Athenian inscriptions in public and private UK collections – Peter Liddel (Read article)
31 ‘Power to the people’? Disputed presidential elections in US history – Michael Dunne (Read article)
38 Women’s friendship in late eighteenth-century America and its relevance to lockdown – Rowan Cookson (Read article)
44 Reviews
46 My Favourite History Place: St James Church, Gerrards Cross – Philip Modiano (Read article)
48 History Abridged: The census (Read article)
50 Out and About: Tranquil area, turbulent history: the central marches of Wales and the Mortimer family of Wigmore – Paul Dryburgh and Philip Hume (Read article)
Regular features: Access all past editions of our regular features Real Lives, My Favourite History Place and Out & About
Cover image: Mr Punch wrapped up in blankets in front of the fire, eating gruel and suffering from influenza, Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Contributions to The Historian: Contributions are welcomed for consideration for possible publication but the HA cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts nor guarantee publication. All enquiries should be sent initially to the Historical Association, 59a Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4JH or email us at: The publication of a contribution by the HA does not necessarily imply the Association’s approval of the opinions expressed in it.
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