Guidance for ITE tutors
By Ailsa Fidler, published 30th January 2024

The importance of subject specific teaching in primary ITE has become a central focus since the new inspection framework was introduced (DfE, 2020). This mirrors the deep dives that happen during school inspections and has highlighted the importance of strong subject teaching in ITE.
This section provides guidance for ITE tutors to help develop your trainees’ planning, teaching and assessment of primary history. This includes guidance to develop your own understanding of the subject and some ideas for teaching which can be adapted for different programmes.
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Trainees and engagement with history education
- Educational context
- Who are you teaching?
- Planning an ITE primary history curriculum
- Some possible steps in curriculum design and thinking
The subject
- What is history?
- The value and purpose of history education
- Diversity
- Historical enquiry
- Substantive and disciplinary knowledge and concepts
In the classroom
- In the classroom
- Key Stage 1
- Key Stage 1 (continued)
- Key Stage 2
- Key Stage 2 (continued)
- Adaptive teaching
- Planning and progression
Making links
- Making links
- Partnership
- Target setting: Student level
- Mentor level