Primary History Articles for the School History Subject Leader

The Historical Association has been producing its specialist primary journal Primary History since 1992. In that time there have been three editions per year and since 2017 an additional annual digital summer resource.
In 1992 a National Curriculum for history had recently emerged as had the Ofsted inspection process. Since that time there have been several revisions to the curriculum. There have also been many new ideas about effective teaching and learning in the subject.
Throughout the period since 1992 Primary History has nonetheless attempted to remain at the forefront of good practice and many of its articles have stood the test of time and remain of value to subject leaders as well as those teaching the subject, those training teachers and those providing educational services to schools.
The following resource is an attempt to capture the various aspects of primary history by providing a detailed listing of articles under various headings. There are seven main themes:
- Early Years / Key Stage 1 curriculum
- Key Stage 2 curriculum
- Subject leadership, organisation and management
- Historical knowledge and understanding including concepts
- Diversity in Primary History
- Resources
- Cross curricular / links with other subjects.
Each of these headings has various sub-sections. The articles are largely listed in chronological order but they start with those produced after the current 2014 National Curriculum (edition 66 onwards). Below these are listed earlier articles that still have relevance.
Subject leaders can use this resource in various ways:
- To locate an article about a particular topic or aspect of the subject such as a curriculum topic, assessment or resource
- To gain greater awareness of a specific aspect as a form of personal updating or professional development
- To collate articles to provide training for colleagues. Remember that corporate membership provides 12 logins.
We hope you can make good use of this listing. Where the title of an article is not specific about its content and scope, the listing provides brief additional information. The Historical Association will update this on a regular basis.