Primary History 97 – Out now
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

Dear Colleagues,
We hope that you like our new approach to Primary History. We are building on what we have provided in the past editions by increasing our emphasis on classroom application including some pictures of children undertaking historical tasks.
We are delighted that this edition includes articles from several new contributors based on their experiences in the classroom, as well as writers who have written for Primary History in the past. Some articles provide insights that can be applied to a range of history lessons across your school. Lindsey Rawes and Kerry Somers have produced articles related to exciting teaching and learning approaches from a wide range of history topics. We are delighted to include Kate Foxe’s experience in achieving her Quality Mark Award and we hope that it will encourage you to consider taking part in this scheme.
This edition also includes articles demonstrating new insights into specific topics and aspects of the curriculum. Polly Gillow focuses on the pleasurable activity of eating an ice cream with EYFS children, drawing on a range of contexts and sources. Karin Doull approaches teaching the Olympics at Key Stage 1 through events during the past century. At Key Stage 2 Lucy Hawker demonstrates how her Trust approaches teaching Early Islam, while Alf Wilkinson provides insights into the range of people who came to Roman Britain. We also consider how your local park can provide a valuable learning outside the classroom experience, thereby provides a historical context for looking at contemporary environmental issues. Finally, Silke Bakenhaus has written an exciting article from a European context, which can enrich our history curriculum in new and exciting ways.