History 359

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 104, Issue 359

Published: 15th February 2019

Special Issue: Medical Doctors and Persuasion

Guest editors: Catherine Kelly and Joan Tumblety


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  1. Medical Doctors and Persuasion: Introduction (pp 5-18),Catherine Kelly, Joan Tumblety – Free access
  2. Surgery, Identity and Embodied Emotion: John Bell, James Gregory and the Edinburgh ‘Medical War’ (pp 19-41), Michael Brown – Open access
  3. ‘Upon my word, I do not see the use of medical evidence here’: Persuasion, Authority and Medical Expertise in the Edinburgh High Court of Justiciary (pp 42-62), Kelly‐Ann Couzens – Free access
  4. Politics, Persuasion and Public Health in Jamaica, 1800–1850 (pp 63-82), Aaron Graham – Free access
  5. ‘Making your Mark’ in Medicine: The Struggling Young Practitioner and the Search for Success in Britain, 1830s–1900s (pp 83-104), Alison Moulds – Open access
  6. The Medical Press and the Settler Colonial Politics of Persuasion in French Algeria, 1850–1914 (pp 105-124), Charlotte Ann Legg – Free access
  7. Rhetoric, Enterprise and Professional Authority: Dr James‐Edward Ruffier and Physician‐Writers in Twentieth‐Century France  (pp 125-148), Joan Tumblety – Free access
  8. The Dialectic of Medical Enlightenment: War, Alcohol Consumption and Public Hygiene in Germany, 1910–1925 (pp 149-168), Michael Hau – Free access
  9. ‘Abortion Games’: The Negotiation of Termination Decisions in Post‐1967 Britain  (pp 169-188), Jane O'Neill – Open access
  10. Three is Murder: The Rise and Fall of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Experts (pp 189-204), Victoria Bates – Free access