The Historian 146: Civilisations
The magazine of the Historical Association

4 Reviews
5 Editorial (Read article)
6 The emergence of the first civilisations: many contexts, significant changes but is this the whole story? – Paul Bracey (Read article)
11 The many queens of Ancient Egypt – Joyce Tyldesley (Read article)
17 Out and About in Paestum – Trevor James (Read article)
20 Space and behaviour at the court of Alexander the Great – Stephen Harrison (Read article)
26 The amazing adventures of Pytheas the Greek – Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
29 Real Lives: Tahereh (Tāhirih) – Paula Kitching (Read article)
30 Anything but enlightened: child slavery in the Roman world – Ulrike Roth (Read article)
34 Sacred waters: Bath in the Roman Empire – Eleri Cousins (Read article)
39 Enduring Civilisation: cities and citizens in the ‘Aztec Empire’ – Katherine Bellamy (Read article)
45 My Favourite History Place: The Red House – Tim Brasier (Read article)
46 History Abridged: the Acropolis (Read article)
Regular features: Access all past editions of our regular features Real Lives, My Favourite History Place and Out & About
Cover image: Detail of ‘La Gran Tenochtitlan’ by Diego Rivera, (1945) in the National Palace of Mexico
Contributions to The Historian: Contributions are welcomed for consideration for possible publication but the HA cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts nor guarantee publication. All enquiries should be sent initially to the Historical Association, 59a Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4JH or email us at: The publication of a contribution by the HA does not necessarily imply the Association’s approval of the opinions expressed in it.
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