The Historian 145: Migration
The magazine of the Historical Association

4 Reviews
5 Editorial (Read article)
6 Out and About: exploring Black British history through headstones – Jill Sudbury (Read article)
10 The 1620 Mayflower voyage and the English settlement of North America – Martyn Whittock (Read article)
16 Migration into the UK in the early twenty-first century: temporal trends and spatial patterns – Sam Scott and Lucy Clarke (Read article)
20 Real Lives: Maria Rye’s emigration home for destitute little girls – Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
24 The great British postwar exodus – Murray Watson (Read article)
30 The changing convict experience: forced migration to Australia – Edward Washington (Read article)
33 Perfect liberty and uproar: a short case study – Edward Washington (Read article)
36 Immigration and the making of British food – Panikos Panayi (Read article)
42 Black Death to global pandemic: London then and now – Christine Merie Fox (Read article)
47 History Abridged: Migration – the Potato (Read article)
48 History in the News
49 Book review
50 My Favourite History Place: The Beguinage at Bruges – Richard Stone (Read article)
Regular features: Access all past editions of our regular features Real Lives, My Favourite History Place and Out & About
Contributions to The Historian: Contributions are welcomed for consideration for possible publication but the HA cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts nor guarantee publication. All enquiries should be sent initially to the Historical Association, 59a Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4JH or email us at: The publication of a contribution by the HA does not necessarily imply the Association’s approval of the opinions expressed in it.
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