The Historian 164: Ancient Worlds
The magazine of the Historical Association

4 Ask The Historian
5 Editorial (Read article)
6 Archaeology on the edge: exploring a precariously-placed Iron Age site in north Wales – Kathy Laws (Read article)
11 A splash of the Mediterranean in the Arabian Desert: the Ancient Kingdom of Nabataea – Tom Dunstan (Read article)
16 Five stones in St Albans: what they can tell us about life in Roman Britain’s Verulamium – Alice Finnie (Read article)
20 Sophisticated living in sub-Roman Britain: the significance of recent discoveries at Chedworth Villa in Gloucestershire – Martin Papworth (Read article)
25 Connecting poetry, philosophy and landscapes in Ancient China – Nicholas Tyldesley (Read article)
30 Update: New approaches to the study of ancient history – Steve Illingworth (Read article)
34 The Exclusion Crisis (1679–81): print, faked news and the politics of identity – Gregory Gifford (Read article)
40 ‘The Nazi Service’? The Prussian origins of the Luftwaffe – Stephen Graham (Read article)
45 Recruiting volunteers to fight in the First World War: Will Crooks’ unsung contribution – Robert Bullard (Read article)
50 Real Lives: Colonel James Skinner – Arunansh Goswami (Read article)
53 Out and About: The Parish Armoury in St Mary’s Church, Mendlesham – Shona Rutherford-Edge (Read article)
58 Doing history: The Old Poor Law in a Regency York Parish 1795–1847 – Steve Barrett (Read article)
60 In conversation with Mineke Schipper – Rosalind Crone (Read article)
64 Opinion: The Sarajevo Assassination and the Perilous Limits of the 9/11 Analogy – Paul Miller-Melamed (Read article)
66 From our branches: The Bristol Branch (Read article)
68 Reviews
Regular features: Access all past editions of our regular features including Real Lives, Out & About, Doing History and In Conversation With...
Cover image: Maha Bodhi Temple, Bodhgaya, India
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