The Historian 163: Ukraine
The magazine of the Historical Association

To mark the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine we have opened up this edition of The Historian that contains a number of articles by Ukrainian academics. This edition is a reminder of culture and history of Ukraine and explores some of the ways the unprovoked attack has had on the people there and the landscape.
This edition and all individual articles are open access until 17 March 2025. To access the full edition and the articles you will need a free login – register here.
4 Letters
5 Editorial (Read article)
6 Lands of Cossacks. Lands of wheat. Lands of possibilities. Lands of Freedom. Images of Ukraine through western lenses – Tetiana Vodotyka (Read article)
14 Cultural and historical heritage of Ukraine in the conditions of the new Russian-Ukrainian war (2014–24) – Olha Makliuk (Read article)
22 Exploring murals and graffiti in modern Ukraine – Kateryna Petrova (Read article)
29 A cuisine fit for wartime: history and practices of Ukrainian cooking – Olena Braichenko (Read article)
36 Affirmative mysticism and John Woolman in colonial America – Joshua M. Reinke (Read article)
40 The year that lost eleven days – David Fleming (Read article)
46 In search of Alice Molland: an English witchcraft will o’ the wisp – Mark Stoyle (Read article)
50 Doing history – Mark Stoyle
52 Out and About: Newcastle’s 1650 Witch Trial – A.D. Bergin (Read article)
55 My Favourite History Place: The Great House of Mercers Creek – Gabriella Howell (Read article)
58 Real Lives: Cecily Cook – leader of working class pacifists in the Second World War – Steve Illingworth (Read article)
62 In conversation with Ulinka Rublack – Tom Hamilton (Read article)
68 From our branches: Were we quite mad? Establishing the East Sussex Branch – John Oliphant (Read article - open access)
70 Opinion: History, anti-history, and historical fiction – Oskar Jensen (Read article)
72 Update: Space, place and social constructs: the Spatial Turn in history – Ryan Hampton (Read article)
75 Ask The Historian
76 Reviews
Regular features: Access all past editions of our regular features including Real Lives, Out & About, Doing History and In Conversation With...
Cover image: ‘Running man’, oil painting by Kazimir Malevich 1932–33. Scholarship often understands this painting as the artist’s reflection upon the Stalinist man-made famine Holodomor in Ukraine, 1932–33.
Contributions to The Historian: Contributions are welcomed for consideration for possible publication but the HA cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts nor guarantee publication. All enquiries should be sent initially to the Historical Association, 59a Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4JH or email us at: The publication of a contribution by the HA does not necessarily imply the Association’s approval of the opinions expressed in it.
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