Primary History 84
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

In this edition of Primary History
04 Editorial (Read article for free)
05 HA Primary News
08 Using stories to support early history skills and understanding in the EYFS – Sandra Kirkland (Read article)
10 Democratising history lessons in Key Stage 1: how pupil voice shapes history teaching and learning in our school – Stuart Boydell (Read article)
14 Knowledge-rich approaches to history and the discipline of history – Matthew Sossick (Read article)
16 Primary history at Raynville Primary School: insights from a year of leading the development of a ‘knowledge-rich curriculum’ – Robbie Burns (Read article)
21 Ankhu and Nebu of Deir el Medina – Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
24 Teaching about the Kindertransport without the Kinder – Karen Van Coevorden (Read article)
28 Happy 200th birthday Florence Nightingale! – Melissa Chatton (Read article)
30 More than just a word list: embedding progress in historical vocabulary teaching – Ailsa Fidler (Read article)
34 Epistemic insights: bringing subject disciplines together to help children answer big questions – Matthew Sossick (Read article)
36 One of my favourite history places: The Italian Chapel in Orkney (Read article)
40 History in the news
42 Extending the curriculum: why should we consider ‘value added’? – Karin Doull (Read article)
46 The back cover image: Communications – Karin Doull (Read article)
Pull-out Posters: ‘Kindertransport – The Arrival’ – Frank Meisler
Some important historical anniversaries that occur in 2020
Regular features: Primary History runs a number of great regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
Cover image: Painted and leaded glass ‘Lancet’ window panel on display at the Florence Nightingale museum, London. (David Gee / Alamy Stock Photo)
Contributions to Primary History
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