Primary History 99
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

Please note: the print edition of Primary History 99 will start arriving with members from Monday 3 March.
05 Editorial (Read article)
06 Using children’s illustrators as a focus for learning about ‘Past and Present’ in EYFS – Helen Crawford (Read article)
10 Developing disciplinary knowledge: pulling up the portcullis to explore how and why castles and forts developed – Susie Townsend (Read article)
18 Little coins, big histories – Damienne Clarke (Read article)
26 Who was King Alfred? And was he really ‘Great’? – Francis Leneghan (Read article)
33 The legacy of ancient Sumer – Karin Doull (Read article)
40 Exploring the history of space: celebrating 50 years of the European Space Agency – Kate Rigby (Read article)
43 Effective implementation in primary history – Matt Flynn (Read article)
48 ‘Golden threads’ in primary history: an exciting new idea or something that has always existed? – Tim Lomas (Read article)
Centre spread poster: Kate Greenaway; the Kate Greenaway medal (Carnegie Medal for Illustration)
Regular features: Primary History runs a number of regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
Cover image: Illuminated manuscript depicting the Siege of Tournai, 1340.
Contributions to Primary History
Letters, articles and other contributions to the magazine are welcome. Find out more
Publication of a contribution in Primary History does not necessarily imply the HA’s approval of the opinions expressed in it.
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