Recorded webinar: Making sense of the Vikings
Key Stage 2 Webinar

Focusing on the Viking world, this webinar explores how careful choice of content in one subject can extend what your pupils will achieve in another. It offers some practical suggestions on how you might combine a Key Stage 2 History study of the Vikings with the geography of their world into a meaningful scheme of work. We use enquiry learning, critical thinking and stories to explore past and present issues around resource use.
The Vikings are normally portrayed as vicious raiders, descending on undefended targets and making off with slaves and gold and silver. How accurate a view of Vikings is this? And did the Vikings change over time, from raiders to traders and settlers, Pagans to Christians, even, in the case of Cnut, becoming King of all England? Indeed, were all Vikings the same? They came from Norway, Denmark and Sweden, from very different homelands and environments.
The Key Stage 2 National Curriculum for Geography asks pupils to explore human and physical processes and how they interact. This is an opportunity for learners to find out about the main features of Europe and the North Atlantic. How have processes such as climate, landscape, the water cycle and land use impacted on human life, now and in the past? How have people adapted to life in the challenging North American region of Western Greenland and the capital city of Nuuk? History and Geography come together … while pupils also develop their geographical skills and locational knowledge in the context of these places.
This webinar took place on 26th November 2019.
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