Historical anniversaries calendar

Calendar of historical anniversaries and significant dates 2025
Historical anniversaries can be a great way to get children and young people interested in a subject or to raise awareness about a particular issue.
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This calendar puts together just a selection of the key historical anniversaries coming up over the next 12 months to get you started, as well as the regular themed months, plus major national days and seasonal events. The list is by no means exhaustive, simply a starting point. You may find it useful to develop and customise your calendar to include events relevant to your own locality and interests, or if you are in a school, to significant individuals and topics you study.
You can download the calendar as a Word document via the link below. There are also links to articles about how to use anniversaries in your teaching or in a school assembly.
Attached files:
- Historical Anniversaries 2025
168.9 KB Word document