Ofsted: primary guidance 2019
A guide to what primary schools might expect from the new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019

As we approach the introduction of the new Ofsted framework, it seems timely that we offer schools, subject leaders and teachers some guidance on how to approach the coming changes. The call for a broad and balanced curriculum is given renewed emphasis in the new framework, but beyond that, curricula and curricula choices will be more under the microscope. Schools will not only have to show that they are in fact teaching history (and not just doing literacy disguised as history) but they also have to vindicate their decisions about what they teach and how and when they teach it. This means having a better justification than you’ve always taught something or you have decent resources for something – now it must have a rationale, a meaning and a focus.
It means that schools will need to consider in detail the purpose and value of history in their curriculum and what it means to get better at history well enough to be able to justify their choices. This guide provides information about both the new framework and what to expect from Ofsted. Its aims include:
- Considering what the new Ofsted Framework means for schools
- A summary of the experience of two schools who have recently experienced an inspection under the new Framework including EYFS
- Planning for an inspection visit.
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