Primary History 73
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

04 Editorial
05 HA Primary News
06 How do pupils understand historical time? Some evidence from England and the Netherlands - Marjan De Groot-Reuvekamp and Penelope Harnett (Read article)
10 Time for a story: using stories in the Early Years and Foundation Stage - Sue Temple (Read article)
12 So was everyone an ancient Egyptian? Developing an understanding of the world in ancient times - Paul Bracey (Read article)
18 What confuses primary children in history and what can we do about it? Tim Lomas (Read article)
22 Teaching about my school in the past using original sources or why would I want those old books in my classroom? Sarah Leach (Read article)
26 The Stone Age conundrum: making use of a local site to develop historical knowledge of and enthusiasm for the Stone Age - James Taylor (Read article)
32 Using Horrible History to develop primary literacy and history - Jennifer Donovan (Read article)
34 Commemorating Agincourt as part of the primary history curriculum - Mel Jones and Kerry Somers
38 Ideas for Assemblies: The Battle of the Somme - Sue Temple (Read article)
42 WHEN 2 + 2 = 5! Teaching history and geography together in a meaningful way - Alf Wilkinson and Ben Ballin (Read article)
45 Primary history and fundamental British values - Michael Maddison (Read article)
48 Our Iron Age challenge: developing historical understanding through building an iron age house - Jessica Glenard, Suzanne Mohabir, Jacob Short and Gabrielle Surman (Read article)
51 Private David Johnston’s First World War Hymn Book - Jules Wooding
Regular features
Primary History magazine runs a number of great regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and our Primary Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
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