Primary History 71
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

Planning for 'Changes within Living Memory'
04 Editorial
05 HA Primary News
06 Using role-play to develop young children's understanding of the past - Helen Crawford (Read article)
08 Whole-school planning for progression: How do we do the best for our children and for history? - Hilary Pegum and Nicola Davies (Read article)
14 Planning for ‘Changes within Living Memory' - Karin Doull (Read article)
19 What makes good local history? - Lynne Dixon and Alison Hales (Read article)
26 Teaching the Ancient Greeks - Jerome Freeman and Jon Nichol (Read article)
34 Working towards quality... An exciting opportunity for you and your school - Bev Forrest (Download free PDF)
38 Ideas for Assemblies: Anniversaries - Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
40 Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Bronze Age? The first cross-channel ferry - Graham Birrell and Marion Green (Read article)
47 The back cover image: Oxford Street in the 1960s - Helen Maddison (Read article)
Regular features
Primary History magazine runs a number of great regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and our Primary Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
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