Primary History 64: History 3-11: past, present and future
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

History 3-11: past, present and future
History & Identity
05 Teaching history as a national grand narrative - Hilary Cooper and Jon Nichol (Read article)
06 The place of history in the curriculum: a discussion document (1997) - John Fines
08 History and identity - Sir Keith Ajegbo (Read article)
09 Urban spaces near you - Jacqui Dean (Read article)
10 A history of the world 100 objects that tell a story - The British Museum and the BBC (Read article)
12 Political literacy: citizenship through the English national curriculum's the Romans in Britain study unit - Hilary Claire (Read article)
14 Teaching famous people at key stage one: say no to Flo! - Michelle Dexter (Read article)
History and the Curriculum
16 Children's thinking and history - Hilary Cooper (Read article)
18 Principles for creating a 21st century history curriculum - Jon Nichol
20 Planning for historical, geographical and social understanding: A conceptual framework - Hilary Cooper
22 Chronology - an Olympic timeline - Pat Hoodless (Read article)
24 Constructivist chronology and Horrible Histories - Hilary Cooper (Read article)
History and Literacy: Reading, Writing, Looking, Speaking & Listening
25 History and language - NPHP (Read article)
27 History is literacy: ‘doing history' with written and printed sources - Jon Nichol (Read article)
28 Local history and literacy using written (and other) sources - Jo Barkham (Read article)
30 Story telling: how can we imagine the past? - Grant Bage (Read article)
31 Writing history - Jackie Eales (Read article)
32 Children writing history - John Fines
History and the Creative Arts
34 Creativity and history - Hilary Cooper (Read article)
36 History, drama and education for life - Dorothy Heathcote (Read article)
37 Getting started with drama' - Hugh Turner (Read article)
38 Music in the history curriculum - Rosie Turner-Bisset (Read article)
39 World War II evacuation project. A living history experience - Kate Morgan-Clare (Read article)
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