Primary History 61: Museums and Visits
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

Site Visits, Libraries, Museums & Galleries
Editorial and In My View
04 Editorial Museums, identity and freedom - museums matter
05 A museum of British history - Lord Baker
06 Museums: Entries to learning - Mick Waters (Read article)
07 Using sites and the environment - John Fines (Read article)
08 Visits and museums - Jerome Freeman (Read article)
10 Think Bubble - Gallery Talk - Peter Vass
11 A view from the classroom - Cathie Mcllroy (Read article)
12 Museums and Visits: Primary History, 2000-2011 - Sarah Codrington
13 Museums and visits: Nuffield Primary History - Exemplar Lessons - Sarah Codrington
14 Co-ordinators concerns: Visits and Ofsted - Tim Lomas (Read article)
15 "They do love the mummies...." Making use of outstanding resources in the Ashmolean Museum - Case Study 1: Taking people out of the picture - Clare Coleman and Peter Vass (Read article)
17 My Learning: Bringing History to Life - My Learning Website Team with contributions from Andy Hellon and Esther Amis-Hughes
20 A museum in the classroom: Learning history from objects - Glória Solé (Read article)
Case studies
23 Case study 2: Bringing the museum into your classroom - creating a school museum - Jane Zanzottera (Read article)
24 Case study 3: all hands on deck! - Barbara Sands
26 Case study 4: inspiring artwork Using the paintings in the Kenwood collection to develop creative writing skills and introduce children to a historic house - Natalie Gomez
29 Case study 5: is teaching about the holocaust suitab le for primary aged children? - Kamal Bhana (Read article)
31 Case study 6: Bristol Blitz in an interactive environment - Emily Phipps-Morgan
33 Case study 7: World War II Evacuation Project: A Living History Experience - Kate Morgan-Clare (Read article)
Professional Development
38 Using museums, libraries and art galleries: keeping up the momentum in changing times. Lessons for Sustainablility: From the Experiences of Early Primary Student Teachers - Susan Edgar (Read article)
42 Egyptians, Embalming and Experiences ITT placement at Leeds City Museum - Meg Friis (Read article)
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