Primary History 59: Chronology
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

06 Primary history in the 21st century: Back to the past? - Alan Hodkinson (Read article)
07 Teaching Time - John Fines (Read article)
08 Developing pupils' chronological understanding: The view from OFSTED - Michael Maddison HMI (Read article)
10 A view from the classroom: Chronology - Cathie McIlroy (Read article)
11 Think Bubble - Jumping stories: selective chronology - Peter Vass (Read article)
12 Chronology in primary history, 2000-2010 - Sarah Codrington
13 What understanding of chronology can we expect of older primary school children? - Hilary Cooper (Read article)
14 I was meant to be born on my birthday, but I arrived a day late: Young children and chronology - Penelope Harnett (Read article)
15 What might we expect pupils to 'know and can do' at the end of Key Stage 2? - Alf Wilkinson
16 Enriching young children's understanding of time - Keith C. Barton (Read article)
19 Enhancing temporal cognition: practical activities for the primary classroom - Alan Hodkinson (Read article)
21 Time, chronology, language and story - Pat Hoodless (Read article)
25 Timelines and technology - Tony Pickford (Read article)
27 Chronology and topics at Key Stage 2: The nearly complete history of almost everything - Barbara Sands (Read article)
Case Studies
29 Scene shifting: Using visuals for chronology - Jane Card (Read article)
31 Big timelines, bigger pictures: supporting initial teacher trainees to think big about chronology - Matthew Sossick (Read article)
32 Constructivist chronology and horrible histories - Hilary Cooper (Read article)
36 A living timeline: Getting Knebworth House's visitors to understand where the distant past is - Natalie Wallace (Read article)
38 Exploring chronology in a museum - Gillian Waters and Vanessa Kyle
41 Chronology and Local History: Year 6 - Charlotte Blanch and Catherine McHarg (Read article)
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