Vikings: Egils Saga
Lesson Plan (KS2)

Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
Key questions in this lesson were:
- What did the Vikings value?
- What can we discover from sagas and poetry?
(These resources are attached below)
Learning objectives:
- To introduce the class to another facet of Viking culture - their literature, in the form of sagas and poetry.
- For the children to appreciate the value the Vikings placed on poetry, on fame and reputation, on prowess in battle, and on material rewards.
- To introduce the children to the beauties and intricacies of Viking poetry and to provide a model for their own writing.
Background information
Who were the Vikings (and what made them tick)? We had five afternoons to explore this with our year 5/6 class.
We taught this lesson, dealing with Viking sagas and poetry, and Viking values, in Week 4. This was after the class had 'excavated' a Viking burial mound, conducted group investigations of aspects of Viking life, and discovered what place names could tell us about Viking settlement patterns.
Background information for teachers
Vikings: a brief history
Attached files:
- Egil: Teachers Notes
12.6 KB PDF document - Egil: Resources
17.1 KB PDF document - Egil: Pupils Work
358.3 KB PDF document