Primary History 55: Doing Local History
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

05 In my view: 'Be bloody, bold and resolute'. Two possible interpretations of 'Local History' - Colin Richards (Read article)
06 In my view: Doing local history - John Fines (Read article)
08 In my view: Local history for children: Through the eyes of a B. Ed. Student - Tom Connelly (Read article)
09 In my view: How can citizenship education contribute to effective local history? - Chris Waller (Read article)
10 Think Bubble: Making up your own mind - Peter Vass
11 The history teacher's craft: ‘Doing Local History' - doing local history through the eyes of W.G. Hoskins: Maxey, a Fenland village - W.G. Hoskins (Read article)
15 Local history field work - top ten pointers for success - Nuffield Primary History Project
16 A local history toolkit - Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
18 Branching out: local railway history - using visual sources - Jane Card (Read article)
21 Planning for local history in the new curriculum: a teacher's perspective - Barbara Sands
23 ‘Doing Local History ' and the 2012 Olympics - Melanie Jones (Read article)
25 A view from the classroom: Teachers TV, The Staffordshire Hoard And ‘Doing History' - Cathie McIlroy (Read article)
Introducing Teachers To Local History: The Fusehill Local History Project - Sue Temple (Read article)
28 Urban Spaces near you - Jacqui Dean (Read article)
29 Case study 1: Saltaire: Planning for an Effective Learning Experience on a Living Site - Bev Forrest (Read article)
32 Case study 2: Oral history: a source of evidence for children in the primary classroom - Mick Anderson (Read article)
34 Case study 3: Using a local historical figure as a stimulus for history in the English National Curriculum: Samuel Plimsoll and Bristol - Ben Screech (Read article)
36 Case study 4: 'Doing Local History' Through Maps And Drama - John Fines (Read article)
40 Case study 5: ICT and local history: the Bolham Queen Elizabeth Ii Golden Jubilee Project [BJP] 1952-2002 - Laura Austin (Read article)
44 Resources, and internet links - Jacqui Dean
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