On-demand webinar: The importance of identity, diversity and inclusivity in local history

Diversity in local history

By Alison Hales and Martin Spafford

Webinar series: Diversity in local history

Session 2: The importance of identity, diversity and inclusivity in local history 

For history to be meaningful, all children need to feel that the past speaks to them and they play a part in history. Previously hidden, little-known stories from the local area and from their many communities can achieve this and open a window to inclusive national and global themes. In this webinar we shall explore ways to achieve this and answer the questions: Who am I? How do I fit in to all of this?

Release date: Wednesday 3 January 2024
Expiry date: Monday 6 January 2025

How to book

You can purchase and access the webinar on this page (please note you will need to be logged in to do this). Once you have purchased the resource, the recording will be available to view at the bottom of this page from January 2024–January 2025.

All Historical Association webinars are subject to the HA CPD terms and conditions.

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