
History is the closest subject to literacy. There are many opportunities between the two subjects for cross- curriculum teaching. Teaching history raises standards in literacy because there are many English based activities that are used in history lessons. History lessons require teachers and children to use their literacy skills in reading, writing and speaking and listening. Read more

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  • OFSTED, primary history and creativity


    Co-ordinators concerns: OFSTED, primary history and creativity I'm told the emphasis in schools now is for a rigorous approach to history where the children are taught the main facts and features of history. I recall a time not so long ago when the whole curriculum was about creativity but surely...

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  • Geosong: a transition project


    How do we engage young people with their Heritage, answer curriculum needs and make that big leap of transition from primary to secondary school that bit easier? English Heritage's Geosong treasure hunt website went some way to providing answers. What does the website do? Using handheld GPS devices, groups must...

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  • Museums, schools and creativity: How learning can be enhanced


    What do we mean by creativity?In the last few years there has been an emphasis on the ‘creative curriculum', ‘creativity' and ‘creative teaching and learning', but there has not always been a shared understanding of what this means. This article uses the definition from ‘Creativity - find it, promote it'...

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  • Thematic or topic based whole school curriculum planning


    Creative curricular planning With the National Curriculum under review, it seems that more schools are taking a creative approach to planning by delivering the curriculum through a focused theme or topic. This has allowed schools to take more ownership of the curriculum and has helped teachers become more innovative in their...

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  • Case Study: Creative chronological thinking


    Personal biographies I often ask groups to collect and record their own personal chronologies. They are asked to bring in evidence to tell the stories of their own lives or of the life of a relative, which they will then weave into a ‘photo book' story. The photo books become...

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  • Diogenes: Creativity and the Primary Curriculum


    Diogenes: WHITHER CREATIVITY?! A consideration of the article Creativity and the Primary Curriculum In June 2010 the journal Primary Headship included an article entitled Creativity and the Primary Curriculum which endeavoured to pull together a range of positions as to where the curriculum might be going in the immediate future. These...

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  • Writing: demonstration and modelling


    Pupils' historical writing can take thousands of different forms, for example, an advert, comic, magazine article, love letter, short story, exam essay, poster or account of a castle visit. For pupils to compose in any genre they must understand and assimilate the genre's skeletal framework, its mode, tenor, field - pp....

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  • Visual literacy: Look, talk, write - Using a picture to extend vocabulary


    Editorial note: Primary History's theme edition on Visual Literacy, PH 49, Summer 2008, addressed the role of visual literacy in developing pupil language: spoken, enacted and written. Introduction - words for pictures Stimulus - child engagement Some years ago, a friend's eight year old daughter arrived with a pack of...

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  • Oracy and writing: Speaking, listening, discussion and debate


    Editorial note: Writing is an outcome of its preparatory phase. In reviewing over fifty case-studies of writing and history for this edition of Primary History, it became clear that oracy is central to pupil development of written language, ideas and the formulation, planning, creation, drafting and revision of writing. Introduction...

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  • Reading into writing


    Introduction: Interactive Whole Class - Teaching, Textbreaker & EXIT Demonstration and modelling relies upon pupils being able to read the text that is being modelled, including the most demanding document. Accordingly the Nuffield  Primary History Project developed a whole class interactive teaching strategy to support pupil reading of difficult and...

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  • Mini Scaffolds: Charts, Concept webs, Diagrams, Mini-Frames


    The language of History develops subject content knowledge and associated vocabulary & phraseology, p. 30. Pupils can record, extend and develop their historical language through using a range of mini-scaffolds or frameworks that they flesh out with teacher guidance and support. A class can build upon basic historical vocabulary through questioning,...

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  • History and language


    Pupil writing is present at every point in studying history - from initial questioning to the writing and presentation of a finished piece of work. Children continually explore, acquire and build upon both existing and new historical vocabulary and phrases, p. 30. Writing depends totally upon pupils' linguistic knowledge and...

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  • Children writing history: The writing spectrum


    "Henry the 4th ascended the throne of England much to his own satisfaction in the year 1399, after having prevailed on his cousin & predecessor Richard the 2nd to resign it to him, & to retire for the rest of his Life to Pomfret Castle, where he happened to be...

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  • Multi-modality and writing history


    We all now live in the digital age. The smart phone, kindle, i-pad and computer mean children are immersed and interact in a digital world of moving, still and spoken images. They are also able to communicate digitally socially: for example, Twitter and Facebook. Social media facilitate social as well...

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  • Writing & History Overview


    History provides an extremely rich context for literacy and writing, see Case Study 3: Evacuees. As such, Writing History is an element in a whole school policy towards literacy that emphasises Language Across the Curriculum for all subjects and areas. references. Case Study 1 illuminates the concept that pupil writing permeates...

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  • In My View: Children Writing History


    Getting ready Before actually putting children to paper and pencil it is useful to spend some time clarifying the issues relating to the written task through other verbal media, which will help above all the least able pupils. We have found the following activities help children prepare for writing at...

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  • In My View: Writing History


    First Steps Writing history comes not at the beginning, but at the end of a process of selection and research. The first step is to choose a subject and develop some questions about it. Then comes the research into secondary and, much more excitingly, primary sources. Finally,the writing takes shape....

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  • Poetic writing


    Poetry is a major area for pupils creative and imaginative historical writing. Pupils writing historical poetry can draw upon a wide range of poetic modes, for example haikus, sonnets, blank verse. Poetry is an excellent vehicle for public presentation, with pupils reading their composition to their class members. To use...

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  • Time, Chronology, language and story


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Time, although an extremely complex, abstract concept, is one that begins to develop in children's minds as soon as they are born. Although it cannot be seen or touched and leaves no visible trace, very young...

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  • Planning with literacy


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History is a subject which of necessity makes extensive use of language in all its forms and so the links with literacy are many. Cooper (2000), Bage (1999), Hoodless (1998) and Nichol, in the Nuffield History...

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