Available Events

In this section you'll find details of all our available CPD events for primary teachers, both online and in-person. Where these events are linked to a series, this will be linked on the page for your information.To see our regular courses and our overarching series and themes for this term, you can take a look at our What’s on section, view our at-a-glance primary CPD calendar, or all upcoming CPD events in our web calendar. 

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  • Your Primary CPD calendar Autumn 2024

    News Item

    We know that it's not easy for teachers to get out of school or have budgets to afford a plentiful supply of CPD. We know how essential your CPD is to you and that is why we have worked to provide a wide range of face to face, online learning...

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  • HA Webinar: Helping children build secure evidential thinking

    10th December 2024

    Handling sources is something all children learn to do in Key Stage 2 history, but often that crucial distinction between ‘source’ and ‘evidence’ is confused. No archaeologist digs up ‘evidence’. And labelling sources as either reliable or unreliable is hugely problematic. This session will consider the importance of how and...

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  • HA Webinar: Histories of Indigenous peoples of North America

    3rd December 2024

    Any study of the intercultural relationships between the Indigenous peoples of North America and British settlers usually focuses on the differences that resulted in disputes and violence. However, on closer examination, the interaction also involved the exchange of ideas and the forging of alliances, which required diplomacy and respect for...

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  • HA Webinar: Helping children think about change and continuity

    12th November 2024

    Historians, when studying a period of history, ask ‘what changed over this period?’ and ‘what stayed the same over this period?’ This session will explore disciplinary thinking around change and continuity, helping children to identity and explain the type of change (such as cultural, economic and religious), the speed of...

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  • HA Webinar: Helping children think about cause and consequence

    5th November 2024

    One of the most common questions asked by historians is ‘why...?’ Why did this event happen? How did the event happen? What were the results of this event? This session will explore disciplinary thinking around cause and consequence, helping children to see multiple causes, connections between causes, and explain why...

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  • HA Webinar: Making the most of your primary membership

    4th November 2024

    In this webinar we will guide you through some essential benefits available through your HA primary membership - from key online resources and journal support through to available CPD and accreditation routes. We also look at how you can get involved with the activities and competitions run by the association...

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  • HA Webinar: How does good storytelling serve disciplinary thinking?

    22nd October 2024

    Why is storytelling so crucial to the journey of the lesson? How does powerful storytelling make knowledge memorable meaningful? How can I get better at storytelling? How does storytelling help children wrestle with disciplinary questions about cause, change and similarity and difference? We will use stories from ancient Egypt, Greece,...

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  • HA Webinar: Session 4: Ideas for measuring impact in history in primary history

    21st October 2024

    This webinar will consider ways you can measure the impact of your curriculum, and ensure your pupils are ready for the next stage of their education. This is not just about gathering data, but also how tasks teachers set allow pupils to get to destinations for meeting the intent of...

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  • HA Webinar: Medieval Manuscripts and Modern Lasers: what new technology reveals about the materials and methods of scribes and illuminators

    17th October 2024

    Modern, non-invasive scientific techniques have revolutionised knowledge of medieval inks and pigments - from the most exotic, such as lapis lazuli and Egyptian blue, to the most ordinary, indigo and ochres - and of how they were used to create magnificent illuminated manuscripts. This talk will outline the techniques in...

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  • HA Webinar: Session 3: Ideas for building your history implementation in primary history

    15th October 2024

    This webinar will look at ways to maximise how teachers have good subject knowledge about the topics they teach. The course will also consider methods of assessment in primary history that are beneficial for both the teacher and the pupil.

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  • HA Webinar: Session 2: Ideas for building your history intent in primary history

    7th October 2024

    This webinar will explore the importance of thinking about how broad and balanced your curriculum is, including how your curriculum is sequenced in terms of substantive and disciplinary knowledge so it becomes a progression model for your pupils. This links to Ofsted’s report about planning for progression in disciplinary and...

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  • The changing climate: making history relevant

    5th October 2024

    Join us at the Black Country Living Museum for the Midlands History Forum, a conference of primary and secondary history workshops and a chance to meet fellow history educators in the region. The keynote speakers are Alison Kitson and Dan Lyndon-Cohen, and the programme includes workshops from Andrew Wrenn and...

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  • Survive and thrive in your initial history teacher education (primary)

    2nd October 2024

    Calling all those beginning their initial teacher education! Whether you are undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification, if you are interested in choosing a history specialism, this session is for you! In this free online meeting you’ll hear from and be able to ask questions to both teacher educators and...

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  • HA Webinar: Session 1: What does the new Ofsted subject report tell us about history in primary schools?

    30th September 2024

    This webinar will explore the key statements from Ofsted’s most recent subject report. This will include an oversight of the findings on primary history around curriculum design, pedagogy, and assessment. The session will also highlight some of the good practice witnessed from the report and include some considerations for history...

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  • Online course: Ofsted subject reports: supporting quality history and geography

    News Item

    The Ofsted history and geography subject reports of 2023 highlighted several areas of strength and improvement in primary schools. However, it emphasised that pupils’ experience of both subjects and disciplines could differ significantly between schools. We are pleased to offer another opportunity to attend this supportive, practical one-day course from the...

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  • Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History

    20th June 2024

    Led by Jonathan Durrant, Laura Kounine, Jan Machielsen, Lisa Tallis, Juliette Wood   Book Now (Registration is via Cademy which opens in a new window. Please read the course terms and conditions before registering) What does the course cover? This Historical Association short course is an introduction to European witchcraft...

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  • Course: Supporting SEND pupils in your primary history lessons

    News Item

    Do you struggle to engage your lower attaining or EAL pupils in their history lessons? Are you finding it difficult to ensure and demonstrate progression in history with these pupils? According to Department for Education statistics, in 2020 there were 1.4 million pupils across the UK with identified special educational...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Peopling London, 47AD–1960


    This webinar explores themes around the causes of migration over time and look at practical outcomes in the classroom. It focuses on migration over time in London from the Saxons to the Windrush, through sources and stories, though the themes and ideas used are relevant to schools beyond London. Topics...

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  • Recorded webinar: Teaching history during a climate emergency: how can we respond?


    We are at a vital moment in our attempt to tackle the climate crisis. Global warming is an inter-disciplinary challenge for the world and an inter-disciplinary challenge in education, too. In this talk, Alison Kitson argues that history provides a vital perspective that enables young people to understand our interaction...

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  • Recorded webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Government


    Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 This webinar was recorded as part of our webinar series exploring the teaching of substantive concepts in primary history. The National Curriculum for history requires pupils to gain understanding about abstract concepts of substantive...

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