
Sharon Aninakwa

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 2–5
  • Areas of specialism: Curriculum design, diverse histories, developing department cultures, teaching A-level
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Will Bailey-Watson

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Any of disciplinary concept (e.g. causation) or historical process (e.g. using material culture), anything on particular substantive concepts, and anything involving teachers being ambitious and setting their pupils more ambitious aims.
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Martyn Bajkowski

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–4
  • Areas of specialism: Curriculum and Assessment KS3 and 4. Departmental Reviews and support with CPD plans. Intervention and ideas to boost KS4 attainment. Practical uses of cognitive science to support knowing and remembering more.
  • Available to deliver: Consultancy, online and in-person in the Wigan area
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Dale Banham

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Raising attainment at GCSE, curriculum development at KS3, engagement and creativity at KS3, assessment for learning (including effective marking and feedback strategies), developing effective revision habits and memory skills
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Carmel Bones

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: GCSE support especially Elizabethan England, Historic Environment, pedagogy in general: engagement, feedback, challenge, learner autonomy, revision strategies
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Geraint Brown

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 2–4
  • Areas of specialism: Curriculum design; assessment at KS3, GCSE history (access for all), extra-curricular opportunities, using scholarship in the classroom, cognitive science in the history classroom, primary-secondary transition
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Excellent
  • Biography: Read more

Christine Counsell

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 1–3
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, online and in-person
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Ed Durbin

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3– 4
  • Areas of specialism: Teaching rigorous history whilst boosting outcomes at Key Stage 4, teaching the British Empire and its legacies, approaches to teaching students about race in history, making history curriculums more diverse and representative, planning and structuring the Key Stage 3 history curriculum
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, online and in-person in the Bristol area only
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Alex Fairlamb

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 2–5
  • Areas of specialism: Diversity within the curriculum, literacy in history, curriculum design, women’s history, assessment in history
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Excellent
  • Biography: Read more

Rachel Foster

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 2–5
  • Areas of specialism: Curriculum development, subject specific pedagogy, teacher training
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Teni Gogo

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: West African Kingdoms, Transatlantic Slavery, Black British History, British Empire, South Africa, Migration to Britain, 'Decolonising' the curriculum
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Kath Goudie

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–4
  • Areas of specialism: Curriculum development, support for senior leaders with the curriculum and its classroom delivery, mentor training
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Daniel Hartley

  • Key Stages covered: EYFS; Key Stages 1–4
  • Areas of specialism: Primary curriculum design and monitoring, Mentoring and Coaching teachers and leaders, SEND
  • Able to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

David Hibbert

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, online and in-person in the Oxford area
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Michael Hill

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Stories and storytelling, 'worldbuilding' and immersion, the use of images in history teaching, questioning and participation in history teaching, reading and teaching vocabulary in the history classroom (especially reading extended texts).
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, online and in-person
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Claire Holliss

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Representation in the history curriculum, representation of women's history, representation of LGBTQ+ history, curriculum planning and navigating the requirements of exam specifications, teaching the British Empire at KS5, the use of substantive concepts at A-level, the use of individual stories and the construction of wider frameworks at A-level
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

David Ingledew

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Educational talk/dialogue/oracy/dialogic teaching, collaborative learning/group work, use of questioning, enquiry questions, transition from school to university history; Topics: British modern and contemporary political, economic and social history 1900–present, American history 1850–present, Medicine through time (including mental health), popular protest and dissent through time, popular music and history
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Rachel Lewin

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 2–4
  • Areas of specialism: History and literacy, interdisciplinary enquiry, curriculum design including through school curriculum thinking, teaching migration to Britain, developing independent learners, IT in the history classroom, local history enquiries, partnership working with museums and community organisations
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Paula Lobo

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: History and literacy, diversifying the history curriculum, crafting rigorous enquiries, curricular planning in the short and long term
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, online and in-person in the Bristol area
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Helen McCord

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Curriculum development, teacher training, mentoring, coaching, bringing scholarship into the classroom
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, online and in-person
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Abdul Mohamud

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Race, diversity and the British Empire
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Catherine Priggs

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Curriculum design and development; GCSE history - assessment and curriculum planning; using scholarship in the classroom; support for subject leaders; support for senior leaders / line managers of history departments
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Excellent
  • Biography: Read more

Emmy Quinn

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stage 2; Key Stage 3; Key Stage 5
  • Areas of specialism: Teaching of global history (including Mughals, India, Aztecs, African Kingdoms) at Key Stage 2 and 3, including Irish History in the English National Curriculum, planning engaging enquiries at Key Stage 2 and 3, taking a chronological approach at Key Stage 2.
  • Available to deliver: Training, online and in-person
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Hugh Richards

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Subject leadership and line management, curriculum design and reviews, history pedagogy, including the application of cognitive psychology in history
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Excellent
  • Biography: Read more

Heather Sherman

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stage 5
  • Area of specialism: A-level teaching, learning and assessment.
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, online and in-person in the York area
  • Availability for 2024–25: Excellent
  • Biography: Read more

Sally Thorne

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stage 3; Key Stage
  • Areas of specialism: Transatlantic slavery
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Good
  • Biography: Read more

Jason Todd

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Inclusion, EDI, interdisciplinary work, Empire and migration
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Ben Walsh

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Pupil perceptions of history, disciplinary literacy in history, curriculum design, teaching pupils to engage with original sources and the work of professional historians, encouraging and supporting reluctant writers in history, use of Artificial Intelligence in the history classroom. Content-wise, particular interest in historiography generally, British Empire, International Relations in the 20th century
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Limited
  • Biography: Read more

Robin Whitburn

  • Key Stages covered: Key Stages 3–5
  • Areas of specialism: Teaching diverse histories, curriculum development, history pedagogy and enquiries
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Excellent
  • Biography: Read more

Andrew Wrenn

  • Key Stages covered: EYFS; Key Stages 1–4
  • Areas of specialism: Primary history, subject knowledge development in primary history, curriculum design and medium term planning in primary history, diversifying the history curriculum by weaving in Black British, African and South Asian history, subject leadership in primary history, assesssment of substantive and disciplinary knowledge in primary history, development of past and present in EYFS, preparation for Ofsted deep dives in primary and secondary history, reviewing secondary history departments in line with Ofsted expectations.
  • Available to deliver: Training and consultancy, in-person and online
  • Availability for 2024–25: Excellent
  • Biography: Read more

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