The Victory Dogs
By Megan Rix

1. This was a really heart-warming story about the life of two puppies in World War 2 affected by the bombs and the blitz. The Victory Dogs made me think more about the trouble for animals in World War 2 and how they had to live in the conditions that had been caused. This book shows that in World War 2 everyone had to help each other to survive. Reading this book has made me want to read more by Megan Rix due to the suspense and adventure of this book. It shows just what you can survive if you just work together. She has created a different world through her books that you can dive into and enjoy. I will definitely read more books by Megan Rix because she made me believe that I was in World War 2 watching it as it happened it was so realistic. It made me want jump in the story and join in with the characters. This suspense filled story had me on the edge of my seat! This book was so good I never wanted it to end! The Victory Dogs is an amazing adventure of two puppies separated for what seemed forever eventually was reunited in the happy end of this astounding book. This was such a great book I hope she publishes another book just like this one, if so I will definitely read it and hope it is just as amazing as the Victory Dogs was.
By Tianna
2. The Victory Dogs is a very sad book set during World War II. It tells the story of two dogs, Bark and Howl, who don't have a home and live in the tunnels under London. Their mother, Misty, is badly injured in a car crash when pregnant with them. She dies from her injuries when they are 3 months old and they are left to fend for themselves. Sheba, the wise, old, one-eared cat, helps them learn how to survive. There is also a homeless ex-soldier who watches from a distance and helps keep them safe.
Amy is their owner and she helps save animals from bombed houses. But all the time she is desperately looking for Misty. Her brother is away fighting so she doesn't tell him that they still have not found her.
My favourite character by far is Misty. She ran away from a bomb and ended up lost and lonely. She remained so strong even though she went through some terrible times. She was amazing. I love dogs and think she was more like an amazing person than a dog who nobody notices.
In this story we also read about Lieutenant-Colonel Richardson who was Commander of the British War Dog School, which he started in 1917. He trained dogs to act as messengers and sentries close to the front line. I found it very interesting to read about how dogs can be so amazing in difficult situations.
I thoroughly enjoyed The Victory Dogs and I really recommend it, but it is very sad so do bring tissues.
By Hannah
3. ‘The Victory Dogs' is about two small dogs and their hard time living and surviving in the Blitz in World War II. The quote on the book said that if you liked Michael Morpurgo, ‘you'll enjoy this book' but unfortunately, I don't really enjoy Michael Morpurgo so to be truthful I did not enjoy this book either! I am an animal lover so I could not bear to read about the animals getting hurt!
The book is one that some people will like and some people won't. It is about two brave dogs, Bark and Howl, who try to survive their way through the Blitz and the drama of World War II as they are used to carry messages, first aid kits and help in the war. The book is packed full of thrills and suspense with twists and turns everywhere!
It is quite a sad story but Megan Rix describes how a dog would react in any situation, she can explain how a dog (or puppy) would act if he was sad or scared or happy. It gives a good idea of what the bombing was like in London during the war as she describes the city, the rubble and fires caused by the bombs in great detail.
My favourite character was Amy Dolan, who was a twelve year old girl who helped in a war dog training centre. She was very kind to the dogs.
If you are an animal lover and don't mind reading sad things about them being injured or dying) or just like an exciting adventure, then you will like this book!
By Alexia
4. This is a story set in World War II times.
A pet dog, Misty, goes missing when a bomb blows up her house. Her owners Amy and Jack are worried. Misty lives on the street for a while and soon after she has two puppies she died and the puppies ARE homeless until a boy called Daniel finds them. He sadly leaves one behind.
Jack has left for war but Amy ends up being good friends with some people in an animal protection company called NARPAC and she lives with them for a bit. Michael, a member of NARPAC, finds the other puppy Daniel left behind and calls him Henry. Amy hears a bomb has dropped on her grandpa's house and she finds him in a recovery nursing home and a t the same time she finds her parents. They then go to live underground until they get trapped with everyone else except Michael and Henry. Henry and Michael finally help everyone out of the underground. Henry and his brother, who is Daniel's dog, start playing when they see each other. Everyone then realises that they must be brothers. When Daniel tells Amy he doesn't have a home she invites him to stay with them and he does so.
I really enjoyed this book and recommend it.
By Luke