Tudor Portraits: Who am I?
Lesson Plan

Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.
‘Who am I?' - what can we tell about this person from the clothes he/she is wearing?
Pupils use pictures and portraits as evidence for social diversity of Tudor life.
Pupils write pen portraits of characters, extending their vocabulary with the help of a glossary.
The lessons had a historical focus whilst incorporating learning objectives from the literacy strategy such as using a glossary. The key question: Who am I ? was aimed at using portraits and pictures as a source of historical evidence and a focus for enquiry, but also provided a valuable stimulus for descriptive writing.
The day before the lesson two parents who belong to a Tudor re-enactment group visited our class. They brought a selection of artefacts and clothes.
Useful source of images: Web Gallery of Art
Teaching methods Related lessons Tudor world |
Attached files:
- Tudor Portraits: Teachers Notes
16.9 KB PDF document - Tudor Portraits: Pupils Work
125.9 KB PDF document - Tudor Portraits: Resources
181.2 KB PDF document