How the Tudors came to power
Lesson Plan

Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.
The lessons described introduced a unit on the Tudors through the Battle of Bosworth.
In literacy, we had been learning how to identify key words and use these when writing notes. We had focused on information books, in particular a book about Tudor homes. So the children had already come across the idea of taking notes, but were still having difficulty in identifying which parts of paragraphs would count as key information.
(These resources are attached below)
Into this context, I introduced the idea of pictorial note-taking.
Ours is a large voluntary-controlled Church of England primary school based in Bootle, Liverpool. The area in which the school is situated could be described as socially deprived, with a large number of children receiving free school meals.
Teaching methods
Other Tudor lessons
Related short lesson exemplar: Topic book blitz
Teaching Britain and the wider world in Tudor times
Attached files:
- How the Tudors came to Power: Teachers Notes
25.3 KB PDF document - How the Tudors came to Power: Pupils Work
122.2 KB PDF document