Vikings: who were they?
Lesson Plan (KS2)

Who were the Vikings and what were they like? Did they have horns on their helmets?
Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
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An introduction to a five-week Viking unit for 9- and-10-year-olds. (These resources are attached below)
What concepts of the Vikings and their civilisation had the children already formed? We began by asking them to write down what they knew, then what they wanted to know, about the Vikings. This approach will work for any topic, at any age.
Question-posing by children introduces them to the methods of historians, whose questions drive their investigations.
In discussing, writing and pooling their statements the children are calling upon prior knowledge, clarifying ideas and concepts, and practising their speaking and listening skills.
Viking lessons
More Viking lessons
Background information for teachers
Vikings: a brief history
Attached files:
- Vikings Who were they: Teachers Notes
171.7 KB PDF document