Primary Oustanding Providers
Cranmer Primary School

Cranmer Primary is a large two-form entry primary school situated on the edge of Mitcham.The proportion of pupils eligible for free school meals is average. Over half of pupils come from minority ethnic backgrounds and a high proportion do not speak English at home. The proportion of pupils who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities is similar to the national average.
N.B. This resource was produced a few years ago and shows some examples of what Ofsted considered outstanding history.
The school was subject to an inspection of history a year ago and were judged to be outstanding. The school has kindly agreed to share some of that with us through their planning and lessons related to teaching the topic of World War II. The school operates a fronter website and within that history plays a large part. You will also find here some screenshots of their history resource cupboard.
This is what Ofsted had to say...
Cranmer Primary is a good school which lives up well to its Golden Rule, 'To work hard and be respectful every day; to believe and achieve, that's the Cranmer way'. Pupils achieve well because teaching and learning are good. Teachers have very positive relationships with pupils and organise learning very methodically.
Teachers are very committed to the subject of history and are keen to share their enthusiasm with pupils. As a result, the content of lessons is rich and delivery is well paced, challenging and well-matched to the needs of the pupils.
For the full subject report, follow the link below and click on the C and D report.
See below for some schemes of work.
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