History supporting global learning
Primary History article

I am the teaching head of a small village primary school, Hawkshead Esthwaite Primary, in Cumbria. We have, for the last year been one of the first Centres for Excellence for the Global Learning Programme (GLP).The GLP is a Department for International Development (DFID) initiative which began in September 2013 and hopes to see Global Learning become part of the curriculum in at least 50% of schools in the next five years. Having already established global learning within the ethos of our school and in many areas of the curriculum, the GLP presented an opportunity to audit our existing practice and look for ways to develop and improve what we did. In addition, with the advent of the new National Curriculum, which in my view was sadly lacking in any global focus, there was the challenge of marrying up the NC and the GLP to produce a bespoke curriculum for our school. Supporting 16 partner schools including two secondary schools, we have over the last year developed a planning format which provides opportunities for global learning to be integrated into almost all areas of the curriculum (see Hallam, J. and Cosh, R. [2015] ‘A Good Curriculum is a Global Curriculum’). In this article I will provide some examples of how history can be a key player in supporting children’s understanding of global concepts, skills and attitudes and can make a major contribution to their understanding of the complexities of living in an interdependent twenty-first-century world...
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