Using some more unusual sources in the primary classroom
Primary History article

In this article Tim Lomas illustrates how it is valid and creative to go beyond some of the most popular sources used by primary history teachers. He looks at a number of historical enquiries and questions that might be considered as a theme and some sources that might be used. He also delves into ways that sources such as these might be used so that they can be part of a valid history experience and not some disconnected, barren activity.
It is not the intention of this article to suggest that primary teachers should be seeking out some of the most obscure and esoteric sources to use with their pupils. However, it does aim to seek a wider engagement with a broader range of types of sources than has often been the case in both primary and secondary schools. Although the emphasis here is on sources that can be used for local history, the examples also include British history, post-1066 and development studies...
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