ICT and Students with Special Educational Needs

Primary History article

By Matthew Sossick, published 2nd December 2012

Using ICT to support historical learning with pupils who have Special Educational Needs [SEN] - Tudor videos

Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.

Turner writing in 1998 acknowledged that there was insufficient research into teaching history to pupils with SEN. He believed that this was one reason why there was little to challenge Wilson's declaration that ‘history as the term is generally understood, cannot be taught to these [ESN-S] children' (1998, p.4). This lack of available literature into the way the subject can engage pupils who have special needs remains the case, although generally it is now believed that history can be inclusive for all learners (as suggested by the title of the 2011 ‘History for All' Ofsted report). Michael Riley embraced ‘a refusal to dumb down' history to make learning inclusive' (2004, p.ix). Harris and Luff (2004) suggested that history should be challenging, engaging and supportive to ensure that the subject was as inclusive as possible...

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